CL stands for Community League, and was previously known as Provincial League. Community League water polo in Saskatchewan is structured to provide ongoing competition for the water polo clubs throughout the province.
The League games are scheduled for ages 9U (Mini), 12U (Atom), 14U (Bantam), and Open (15+). Each club can enter one or more teams into each of these categories to compete against other clubs in the province.
(Updated age categories to align with Water Polo Canada)
Mini 9U: 2016 & later
Atom 12U: 2013-2015
Bantam 14U: 2011-2012
Open 15+ 2010 & earlier
Athletes are allowed to play up one age category without needing approval. The senior of one category can request an exemption to play up two divisions by submitting the Athlete Age Exemption Request and Waiver to the Community League Manager, Taylor Molde at Once the Athlete Age Exemption Request and Waiver has been submitted, the request will be reviewed by the League Committee.
Community League games are a shortened version of a regular water polo game, where the time per quarter, number of players, and length of the pool have been modified to a smaller degree. This style of play allows for fast-paced gameplay and many games versus multiple teams over a short period of time.
For information regarding CL Game Rules, Player & Team Eligibility, etc... see the Community League Handbook.